Tag: codecompletion

kate: intelligent code completion for all languages!

… well, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s certainly much more intelligent than before. Look: Code completion in CSS … bash … Lua … PHP even Gnuplot! Note how this one has a different set of possible items for the same query, respecting the context. Even Mathematica 😉 This image shows a problem which still needs to be fixed: in case-insensitive languages, all completion suggestions are lowercased […]

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KDevelop / Kate sprint in Barcelona in January 2014

Last week I have been in Barcelona at the KDevelop / Kate sprint with all the other nice people working on those projects. As always, it was very cool to meet everyone again and spend a week together improving software. A big thanks to the organizers and sponsors, too! Since most of the time I work on a fairly encapuslated subsystem (Python support for KDevelop) and only a smaller part […]

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Advanced code completion filtering in kate / KDevelop

I have implemented two new ways to filter the code completion popup in kate: filtering the list using an abbreviation, and filtering the list using text not occuring at the word’s beginning. This can probably best be demonstrated by lots of pictures: You can match completion items by their abbreviation. This works for both camel case and underscore notation. You can also match entries by words they merely contain but […]

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